Some of our current projects are creatig real time anonymous AI enabled surveys for clients. Building out loyalty clubs as well as digital punch cards through QR codes and texting. Many of our clients are having huge success with our text message marketing platform. In 2021 and 2022 so far clients have sent over 100,000,000 texts and we are approaching 6,000,000 subscriber opt-ins for our clients. Brand new in 2022 we have gained stong partners to bring cash discounts and delivery services to our clients saving them over $100,000 annually. Upcoming projects with a new partner is offering WiFi Analytics to our new restaurant and retail clients.
After building tools and platforms in corporate america and seeing all the success our business units had and hearing what 1000s of customers loved and wanted over the last 2.5 decades we are now providing these same tools for small businesses. These tools have helped numerous teams in the corporate world get better more consise feedback from their customers as well as communicate faster and instant with them creating more repeat business and fixing issues faster. Something that we learned over the years is that customers wanted to be more direct and instant with us as well as they wanted solutions to do so that were easier on them. We have built these tools to not only help patrons get the same communication from all of their favorite businesses but we also make it easier and more cost effective for the business to provide and utilize these tools in their business. Marketing Efficient-Leigh began in 2018 as we started to focus on small business. Our main goal is provide a service that reaches your customers more often as well as bring in new customers. Our feedback survey tool limites bad press as it finds unknown issues real time so you can fix issues before people leave your business. After they leave we build loyalty and show you how you can reach all your customers when you need to reach them and instantly. We have learned over the years that issues do happen and businesses can have inefficiencies. We want to help business owners so they dont have to work in their business in every department so they can focus on the more important things they can control. Marketing doesnt have to be a huge expense for a business owner, it just has to be more efficient and cost effective.Our team are experts in WiFi and Networks, Communication services, Automation tools and Marketing.
2119 Old Hollow Lane Clermont, FL 34711
info@marketingefficient-leigh.com Tel: 774-214-0244