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Proof Text Messaging Marketing works!

Ryan G

Are you on the fence about text messaging for your business?

Are you wondering if text messaging works? Are you worried customers will object to text messages? Are you wondering if text messaging is better than email?

Stop worrying and keep reading…

Below you’ll find a ton of proof text messaging works!

  • It’s proof text messages are being used by businesses everywhere.

  • It’s proof that text messages are read (and requested) by customers.

  • It’s proof text messaging is a great way to communicate, drive interaction, and drive sales!

Here’s the best part… I’m not the one telling you it works!

These are all third party articles discussing text messaging, text marketing, and the ways businesses are using texting to get ahead.

I encourage you to read each article and see how others utilize text messaging to get their message out! Then, when you’re convinced text marketing is the way to go for your business, visit to sign-up!

Text Messaging Is NOT Taboo

Here’s the text messaging takeaway:

More and more businesses are texting with their customers and prospects. Content is no longer just “promotions and pitches”. Businesses are sending updates, educational content, and even uplifting messages and pictures.

Text messages have a read rate of close to 100% (According to this article). Some businesses are seeing orders over text messaging spike! One company reported a 22% increase!

One texting example they gave is businesses sending audio and video messages to customers. The messages are intended to lift customer’s spirits.

Another example the article gave was how a grocery chain is using texting to communicate sanitation procedures in the store, and offering curbside pickup via text!

Here’s another great article…

Proof Text Marketing Doesn’t “Suck”

Here’s the text messaging takeaway:

80% of millennials say the phone is the first thing they check when waking up! It means text messages get read… more than any other type of messaging. Interactive content is critical, having customers text back is extremely powerful!

He gives an example of how Chipotle is using texting to drive sales. Neil points out that the links in text messages need to go to Mobile Optimized pages! He also points out how FAST messages are sent out and delivered to users!

Neil does a great job of showing how Banana Republic personalizes their messages. It’s a great idea! He then covers some texting basics (all stuff we cover in our blog too!). Finally he gives an overview of the best uses of texting… Here they are (so you don’t have to read his whole article):

  1. Send coupons and exclusive deals

  2. Send automated messages (Drip campaigns)

  3. Poll your customers

  4. Run a sweepstakes

  5. Send Photos (AKA MMS messages!)

Neil also talks about how to use Zapier to connect with your SMS system. (at Freestyle Consulting, we connect to Zapier too!)

Here’s another article proving Texting is the bomb!

Celebrities Are Texting Their Fans!

Here’s the text messaging takeaway:

Celebrities are starting to move their followers OFF of social media, so they have more control over their interactions on Text Messaging. They have a great example of how Jennifer Lopez asked fans to text her song requests for the Super Bowl LIV show.

The article went on to highlight how poor exposure is on social media… Facebook only shows 8% of your followers a post… Instagram engagement rates are 1.1%… and Twitter is worse at 0.3%!

A big advantage – with Text Marketing, Celebrities can control Internet Trolls by banning or outright blacklisting annoying followers.

More to come!

Over time we’ll be adding more and more proof text messaging works!

How You Can Use Text Messaging For Your Business

Now that you’re convinced text messaging is the way to go, remember to look at for your needs. I think texting is the best way to market your business in today’s tough economic environment!.

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